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Management, support and execution of qualification and validation.

​Our insights

✓ QRM Risk Assessment – ICHQ9

​✓ Failure Mode Effects and Criticality

​​​✓ Analysis (FMECA)

​✓ GMP/GDP GAP Analysis

​✓ Training

​✓ Project Management

✓ ​Management Consulting

​✓ Interim Management

​✓ Facilitation (project and organization)

​✓ Strategy & Business Management

​✓ Board Support

​✓ Purchase Compliance

Why us​?

​SMJConsulting delivers strong and knowledgeable people with experience and knowhow within validation, validation management, validation QA, production support and more.

We deliver solutions, experts and flexible people to help our clients.

Our track record​

  • Highly professional internal/external networking
  • Knowledge transfer to customer during projects
  • Quick learning trainees ensures up-to-date technology and quality mindset
  • Experienced within lifecycle validation
  • Always up-to-date with current guidelines
  • Inter-/national and highly experienced consultants
  • Management of qualifications


Do you want to hear more, or get a non-binding offer?

Don't like forms?

Phone: +45 51 89 68 87

Email: info@smjconsulting.dk

Stanley: stanley.jensen@smjconsulting.dk

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Do you have any questions or

do you want to hear more?

Find our contact details below.


Vigerslevvej 242, 2. tv., 2500 Valby

Click here for directions

CVR: 32749542

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday: 08.00 - 16.00

Saturday and Sunday: closed